corporate policy

IRLE ROLLS GmbH has a leading market position in the production of rollers and wear parts. The aim is to maintain and expand this renowned position. IRLE ROLLS GmbH is convinced that this goal can only be achieved if the current and future expectations and requirements of our customers are recognized and understood. This must be implemented in products and actions.


In the area of quality assurance, processes must be carried out, monitored and assessed by qualified employees on modern systems in order to be able to define future-oriented measures for continuous improvement.

We expect flawless and timely deliveries from our suppliers and, in particular for extremely quality-relevant materials, compliance with the defined delivery regulations. In order to secure the above defined provisions, we strive for a cooperative partnership for mutual benefit, which secures a common future.


Since a leading market position also entails responsibility for sustainable action and sustainable use of resources, IRLE ROLLS GmbH has decided to further develop its policy in the areas of environment and energy. So that this can be understood, the “Integrated Management System” (IM System) policy is announced to the public via the IRLE ROLLS GmbH website.

IRLE ROLLS GmbH is committed to avoiding harmful environmental effects in the long term, insofar as this can be achieved with the economically justifiable use of the best available technology. In addition to avoiding harmful environmental influences, energy efficiency should be increased in a continuous improvement process and, as a result, energy consumption should be reduced in the long term.

In order to achieve the mentioned goals in the areas of quality, environmental and energy management, an IM system with the components of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standards has been introduced. It is ensured that the requirements of the standards as well as legal and other requirements are correctly implemented and that the processes within the management system are continuously improved.

In order to be able to evaluate the progress of the IM system, it is regularly checked whether

  • the necessary financial and structural conditions are ensured
  • all employees are trained and integrated in the implementation and execution of the management system and whether the necessary responsibilities have been defined
  • relevant legal obligations and other requirements are met
  • environmental and energy aspects as well as environmental and energy data are regularly identified and reviewed
  • Environmentally-friendly or energy efficiency-promoting programs are correctly implemented and executed

The results are measured and reviewed through regular audits and reviews.

IRLE ROLLS GmbH has built up the IM system on the basis of international standards and has enshrined the maintenance and development of this IM system in this IMH. With its signature, GL sets the IM system in accordance with the regulations of this IMH and the associated regulations for all employees of IRLE ROLLS GmbH.


Predictive risk management helps us to improve and accelerate corporate governance and decision-making processes. It is our principle to handle these risks responsibly so that we can make targeted use of entrepreneurial opportunities without taking on an incalculable risk.

Because of our manufacturing program, orders may involve technical risks. However, we assume that, in addition to the contractual liability exclusions as far as possible, we can avoid these risks by using our proven technology.

Significant risks to our further development result in large part from economic effects on the markets relevant to us, strong dependence on the steel industry and strongly fluctuating commodity prices. For us as an energy-intensive company, the development of electricity and gas costs is of great importance. We are in fierce international competition, and additional government burdens — particularly due to the energy transition — represent a heavy burden.

We try to counter the risks of economic development through technological advantage, an attractive product range and a broad customer base from various industrial sectors, usually with different economic cycles. We strive to respond to ongoing price competition by focusing on innovative, future-oriented products and improved manufacturing processes as well as through partial production abroad.

We counter the risk of default on customer receivables by securing orders through commercial credit insurance.

Sales-specific risks include supply contracts in foreign currency, which are hedged by forward exchange contracts in foreign currency above a relevant order of magnitude.

Long-term credit and leasing contracts were concluded to hedge interest rate risks. We have therefore secured variable interest rate long-term loans through interest swaps and caps.


The success of our company is closely linked to the commitment of our employees, their creativity and their professional and personal competence. With their ideas, they form the basis for change and are therefore an indispensable prerequisite for the success of our company.

Our training rate remains high, although the number of trainees is declining. As a result, we have enough well-trained employees and post-training acquisitions result in a balanced age structure.

We attach great importance to a good working environment and a fair partnership with employees. We fully involve the works council in our personnel decisions in order to provide the broadest possible basis for understanding our personnel policy. The result is, among other things, an extremely low turnover rate and the long service of employees.